Friday 8 April 2016

Clinton, you little twat.

No, actually this time I'm not talking about Hillary Clinton. I'm talking about Billary Clinton. The fuckass who used to be President, but still occasionally acts like he is.

Or worse.

For example.


Now before I go on a bit of a ramble about just how much I love The Young Turks - and I do, they're brilliant, and I wish the whole of Turkey was more like them - let's just remind ourselves that Hillary Clinton was calling black kids 'super predators' and telling the world that they should be 'brought to heel'. I mean, good ol' Cenk Uygur goes over this, and he's a smart guy.

"... it could have been white kids too... but the line 'super predators' was used to denigrate African American kids back in the day, so that's a historial certainty..." 

And he's right.

Bill Clinton's response?

"YOU ARE DEFENDING THE PEOPLE WHO KILL THE LIVES YOU SAY MATTER! TELL THE TRUTH!" - Bill Clinton, literally a few days ago, at an event to promote his wife's presidency campaign...

Whilst shaking and waggling his index finger at the Black Lives Matter protester.

Yeah. Condescending twat and I fucking hate this wanker.

Cenk goes on to talk about the prison industrial complex, and all sorts of things, but I'm going to split my path from his here, because I don't just wanna talk about Bill Clinton's fantastic racism and finger waggling.

I want to talk about the crowd's reaction.

Because they cheered him. And jeered the protester. Which isn't right, is it? I mean come on guys, they're not being violent, they're not being rude, they're interrupting something official to try and get a message out - and a message is exactly what they're getting out, because when they did this to Bernie Sanders, he gave them the podium. 

These protesters are giving us the best signals to follow regarding presidential aptitude, based solely on the reactions they get.

Let's run through it.

1. Bernie Sanders gives up his podium to them, and then praises their will to speak, and determination for their cause. He then goes on to speak about how it's so rare to see that, and how racism is a systemic, institutionalised thing, and how we get rid of it. 

2. The Clintons shout, get angry, and wiggle fingers at people. At least once, a protester is removed from the premises. They also take huge sums of money for giving talks. Not once do they seriously talk about racism or inequality until it's clear that it would be profitable for them.

3. Trump actively encourages violence against protesters. Enough said. He's no democrat and arguably I should have left him out here, but I felt it was nice for the contrast to Sanders. Also, these are the three biggest candidates, wouldn't you say? 

Come on.

We all know who the best guy for the job is.


Cool Old Guy all the way.

Thanks for having a read, all.

~ Baxster Brand

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