Sunday 10 April 2016


Bernie Sanders, the main brain, Bernie Sanders, my best guy, Bernie Sanders, just won his 7th Victory in a ROW in America. Not only that but it was in Wyoming!

For reference, Wyoming is referred to by The Guardian as 'cowboy land' so yeah, this is impressive.

Speaking of the Guardian, here's their article on it.

Now let's just dissect it.

They suggest that to many, Bernie Sanders, who - much like our Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn - started out as a very minor individual in the democratic race, whom few took seriously and fewer enjoyed the company of, but - again, just like our leader, J.C. - became a momentous and historically significant force for good, and a true sign of the rise of the left, may now look unstoppable to most.

They're right. He looks unstoppable to me. And I don't want him stopped, nor should you. He's not only a good man, he's a good politician. He's more experienced than Clinton, he's more intelligent than Clinton, and by jove, he's certainly more popular than Clinton right now - unless we're counting bankers.

Which we're not.

And probably never will.

The Guardian does, however, make mention of the fact that while he is very much on the rise - and Clinton does appear to be on something of a downwards trajectory - Hillary Clinton is still the democratic frontrunner at this point. It's not so clear cut as the republican one at this point, which seriously worries me, but there is still a rather major difference. Bernie is going to need to win pretty much all the seats from here to the end of the primaries and caucuses rather decisively. If he doesn't come out on top then, at least he can start to make a case for Clinton's 400 or so 'special delegates' whatever the shit that means, to join him instead.

Which I believe he would do quite well, actually.

I mean, his sensational performance aside, and the clear omens of nature - by which I mean Birdie Sanders, and I do dearly hope he gets a pet canary or something after this to commemorate that bird - we only have to look at history itself to understand just why he's such a good candidate.

The reason is Revolution.

Now, I understand that so much of the young, radical left use that term - and indeed overuse it - like it's a smartphone, but please understand that I mean the attitudes of revolution, and the incredibly fast paced change it brings, not so much the fires and the executions.

Although I wouldn't mind seeing Donald Trump investigated a little.

But seriously. I believe in Bernie Sanders not because he's the most economically viable candidate, not because he's the most cunning bastard on the block, not because he's got the best military record, but because he's the best son of a bitch to bring about change, and that's exactly what America needs. Hell, it's what Britain needs, and sorely too.

I'd even go as far as to say that it's what the whole damn world needs.

For the record, I'm in no way admitting that Mr. Sanders is economically incompetent, unintelligent, or a coward. In fact he's consistently proven himself to be the exact opposite of all of these things.

I'm just saying... guys, we need change. We need to change.

I was once told, and I'm not sure who by, that whenever we find ourselves on the side of the majority, we must pause and take a good long look at ourselves, that we might be sure we have not, in our passion to do good, begun doing the work of evil.

Ah. Just googled it.

It was Mark Twain.

Another of his good quotes was "... Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can see."

That's actually one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. I had to pause for a moment.

And that's exactly why I like Bernie Sanders. Same reason I like Jeremy Corbyn. Same reason I'll be a socialist from this waking moment 'til the second I die, and every eternity thereafter. Same reason I hope only to live and die having done right by the People, and not just the people of England, or Britain, or Europe, but the whole bloody world.

Same reason I hope for this revolution.

Because the world does not have to be cruel, and we do not have to be cruel people. We can be kind and loving, and the world can be beautiful.

We must simply stand together. For this strange and complex race of individuals is like an ocean.

And nothing can hold back the tide forever.

Thanks for having a read. Have a good night, everyone.

And be safe.

~ Baxster Brand

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