Tuesday 12 April 2016

Bernie Sanders just did something amazing

He's proposed that the American Constitution be amended.

Which is a big thing to say. Seriously. A massive, massive things, and of course he's doing it for the right reasons as always, but wow.

I'm surprised.

For anyone here not familiar with how serious the Americans tend to take their constitution, just imagine the reactions you get every time you suggest, even politely - which I'll admit I sometimes have trouble doing - that the Queen might be a poor expenditure of valuable resources.

Or, you know, that she's more of a scrounger that the rest of us combined.

Or actually, just imagine the row you'd get from publicly screaming at the Queen. Suggesting that she's an idiot. Suggesting that she needs to not be phased out as a British Republican would advise, but... just changed.

Actually that might have been a bad example.

Imagine instead the feeling you get when somebody suggests that the core tenets of your personal political beliefs are utter bullshite.

This is how some people will feel. Inevitably. Because to them, the American Constitution are that which their country was built on, and shall survive on - and they're largely not wrong, I must say. But Mr. Sanders does raise a good point when he informs us that...

"... Amazingly enough we do not have in our constitution the right to vote as a constitutional right, we leave it up to the states. That's where I get passionately upset."

And rightly so.

What does he propose?

A constitutional amendment rendering all those above the age of 18 eligible to vote, I quote "... end of discussion..."

I fucking love this guy.

He goes on to say that what the Republicans are doing in trying to make it harder for people to vote is, get this, not criminal, not simply a dick move, but UnAmerican.

And I agree.

For all the past spite and anger between our two nations of people, we have one thing in common and that is the mutual desire for freedom. Freedom from oppression, from pain, from poverty. And actually, I must say that this is not simply a common ground between America and the UK, it is a common ground with the entirety of our race.

You and me, and all of them.

We want to be free.

To be free, we must be free first to influence the world around us, and Bernie Sanders would give everyone  that right.

I can only say, as I have said before, and will forever repeat, that I put my faith in Bernie Sanders just as much as I do in Jeremy Corbyn, just as much as I do in the new Canadian Government, just as much as I do in you.

Yeah. You.

Because I've already said it, but you and I are the same.

We both just wanna be free. There's nothing wrong with that. It's natural, and good.

And I reckon, whoever you vote for, you'll end up contributing to the advancement of the human race, one way or another. Just like me, I hope.

Man, these always end up being more emotional than I intend.

Have a lovely evening, and be safe.

~ Baxster Brand

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