Thursday 28 April 2016


Look at this twat.

Matthew Hancock, my own MP, it has been revealed to me, thinks this is funny.

'quite full of queers' well shit dude, I guess that's us done, then. We're totally full of homosexuality, and this makes us completely unfit to run a government. I suppose we'd better all of us put on our pink triangles and board the last train for Toryschwitz.


What was he thinking? He can't possibly believe that, right? This must have just been poor judgement on his part, because... well... Britain just isn't that radical, right?

Only in a radical society are Doctors striking to prevent a harmful contract that would endanger the lives of all their patients from coming into force viewed as extremists. Only in a radical society is a man meant to represent the views and best interests of thousands and thousands of people allowed to get away with using 'gay' or 'queer' or 'dyke' as an insult. Now, he only used one of those - as far as I know, in public - but the effect is similar to using all of them.

It makes it more acceptable for his supporters to lash out too.

Never mind the fact that the poem was terribly written, never mind the fact that he found it on Twitter of all places, never mind the fact that he looks like a boiled egg with teeth and a crappy middle aged man's haircut.

Mind instead that he has been shown to support the views we now see as immoral, and in many ways and cases, illegal, in this country.

Mind instead that he has done this, and has experienced no disciplinary action from the higher ups in his party/

Which, honestly, makes me think they support that too. It makes me think they don't really care too much about hate crime. It makes me think they really do view themselves as national CEOs and not governors and statesmen and stateswomen.

It makes me think that none of them really care.

Not that I thought they did before.

If we need any more proof that the Tories are bigots - which we don't, but I'm interested in making this post long enough to constitute decent content - let's just remind ourselves of David Cameron, the utter fuck.

He recently claimed that Sadiq Khan is close to ISIL supporters. How did he do this? By repeatedly bringing up that Mr. Khan has, 9 times, shared a platform with a 'hate preacher'.

Who is this? Suliman Ghani.

Now, I will admit, I had recalled hearing his name in relation to hate preachers and other fuck filled asswits, but when I looked him up, I could tell instantly that this was not that man. No sir, not at all. In fact, as far as I can see, this gentleman is actually a pretty cool guy. He's been given awards for community service, he speaks out against the evils of Daesh/ISIL, not for them, you FUCKASS Cameron, and he vocally supports the Junior Doctors in their struggle against capitalists trying to nick the NHS.

Suliman Ghani is alright.

I've heard that Khan is a Blairite, and maybe I don't know enough about the situation to really make a judgement, but he also seems alright. Certainly I prefer him to Boris 'I'm an Outie' Johnson.

Fun fact about Boris 'build-a-bike' Johnson, everyone: He's the descendant of deposed Ottoman royalty. His ancestry is the same as Khan's, Suliman's, and every other non-converted muslim in London, pretty much, only instead of being part of The People, they ruled the People.

And as a guy with some Kurdish blood myself, who's done his research... yeah. They ruled with an iron fist.

Just saying, there's a whole lot of hypocrisy on the side of the Tories, as there always has been, and I'm seriously happier voting for a career politician who's on the Red team than I am voting for a viciously career politician, on the Blue team.

Thanks for having a read, please do share the post and let all your friends know that Matthew Hancock is a twatcock.

~ Baxster Brand

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