Saturday 23 July 2016

A Brief Note on Hillary Clinton

As a proud - though recently, less proud - British gentleman, I find it my duty to make myself as aware as I can be of the world around me. This being said, I don't always have time for America. My reasons should be fairly obvious; I just don't like being depressed, and American news is always depressing.

For example, the Republican nominee for Presidency is Donald J. Trump.

He is one of two men I could comfortably murder right now. The other is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, for his fascist stance regarding liberty for the Turkish and Kurdish people he claims to have the support of.

He is a story for another time, if I can ever stomach it.

Regarding Donald Trump, I have only this to say; fuck off, you disgusting orange faced liar.

You too are a fascist worse than even Putin, who seeks nothing but power and control of the people and their funds. I have no doubt that under you the US Government would see - and conveniently ignore - not only the embezzlement and theft of billions of tax dollars, but the rise of the far right, and the silencing of any and all opposition on such an extreme level that in the future, historians would liken it to Adolf Hitler's 'night of the long knives' in which he outright murdered all of the left wing elements of his party.

Do I think Trump would resort to murder? Yes. If he had to. I think he would rather not, on account of it being a far more complex solution than is desirable in the political field, but I do think he would.

And beyond the pile of fake-tanned filth himself, there are his supporters. They are the misguided and mistaken, whose educations have failed them, and whose anger has been used as a poisoned weapon by the brutes of the establishment. Under very slightly different circumstances I had little doubt that I would now be calling them brothers and sisters - after all, the solutions they seek are with Bernie Sanders, they're just being lied to.

But these lies make them dangerous. Their passion, fervour, anger, and pain make them more than prone to extremism, and their extremism can make them violent beyond belief. I have heard stories from neutral or leftist observers and protesters at Trump rallies that his supporter chant and scream 'kill 'em all' whenever Trump says something.

They're so hateful it breaks my heart.

We claim to be nothing like them, but as I said, this is just the effect of a decent campaign of mistruths. They're just like us, and they want the same thing we do; security, safety, protection of the terrors of the world.

And isn't the world terrible?

People are being killed left and right, it seems. Hundreds are dying in what almost seems like regular terrorist attacks in France - because the attackers know that the French will react just how they want them to - and even more are being massacred in the Middle East, either by ISIS themselves, or our own high yield explosives and plausibly deniable chemical weapons.

So yes, Trump scares and disgusts me. He is the news I find scary, and disgusting.

The American news I find depressing is that our brother and comrade, Bernie Sanders, may well be defeated. Hillary Clinton is the most likely Democratic Nominee for Presidency of the United States of America, and I am devastated by this.


I still think that, in a way, we won.

Before you close the tab and forget about me, let me explain why I think that the Left has scored a fantastic victory, even with our defeat.

Just for starters, Clinton is going to have to listen to us. Yes. I hate her. I despise the capitalist monster of the upper class she is, and I despise all she has thus far represented, but she now knows that to have even a remote chance of victory over the combover monster, she's going to have to shed some of that, and start representing us too. This is a truth, my friends. None of us can deny it, and she does not plan to.

Say what you like about Clinton - and I mean that, leave your most creative insults in the comments by all means - she is a shrewd, if corrupt, politician, and she understands perhaps even better than us the incredible benefit she could now receive from shifted even only slightly to the left.

Just take a look at this article from the International Business Times.

I prefer Sanders. I love Sanders. If the situation called for it, I would risk and give life and limb for Sanders and our brother and sister revolutionaries - though I know he would never ask it of us himself.

And he's forced Clinton to start loving us back. He accounts for so much of the Democratic party - and indeed, the American electorate - that she simply cannot afford to turn her back on him now.

So yes, that's a victory for us. We have forged ourselves such a foothold in American politics that we've even managed to coerce Hillary Clinton into respecting us, even if only slightly.

And beyond this foothold, Bernie Sanders is no longer just a man, he is the face of a movement - and this is not a movement that will die any time soon. Let them do what they can, let them say what they will, we can no longer die. You and I and Bernie Sanders are not immortal. We will die, and rot, and almost certainly be forgotten some day, but this movement will last far longer than any of us.

Which is where we won.

Because Bernie Sanders is a hero for awakening the burning hearts of the American Left, and lighting a fire that will not be extinguished easily.

Even if Hillary Clinton wins this round, the war is - the war has always been - ours. Things fluctuate in the field of politics, but the world has been getting progressively fairer in the grand scheme of things. Not recently, but in the bigger picture, which is what matters more than anything.

So yes. If it comes to it, I will endorse and support Hillary Clinton with all the passion in my heart, because Bernie's left his mark on her, and because even if he hadn't she'd be better than Trump.

Because I am a socialist, and I do what is right as often as my heart lets me.

If it comes to it, I will campaign as fiercely for Clinton as I would have for Bernie - because I will be doing it in Bernie's name, and in the name of the Left we have grown to love, and love to grow. If she wins, we cannot allow ourselves to badmouth her any more - that will only serve Trump, and we will never serve Trump. I would sooner kill myself.

And besides.

She can still get disqualified.

Gotta love wikileaks, right?

~ Baxster Brand

Saturday 7 May 2016


Ok, so check link and just... just be wowed by how terrifically incompetent - no, not just incompentent - but actively malicious Hillary Clinton would be, as President of the United States of America.

"... we would we able to totally obliterate them."

Her reasoning is that Israel faces serious and aggressive threats from organisations such as the 'Iranian Revolutionary Guard' whom I have actually personally never heard of. Seriously, I had to google them as I wrote this.

And when I googled them, I'll admit they definitely seemed like a bit of a fundamentalist group.

But, and I will admit I was almost surprised to hear this, they're actually not terrorists at all.

There was, I think, one report of a couple of Revolutionary Guards operating in... Iraq, I think? During another, larger conflict there. Which is, I will admit, is pretty questionable again - as is their vow to combat not only threats to their state, but any 'Deviant Movements' which could definitely be applied to political threats in their own borders if they really wanted it to be...

But they're not terrorists.

And also, as a group of their own, they have had no more than two altercations with any sort of Israeli force, and one was just a drone that was, apparently, headed towards a civilian nuclear site within Iran's borders. They shot it down - as they were pretty justified in doing, no matter the origin of the drone - and Israel didn't even comment.

The other was when a few of their number were killed training fighters in Lebanon, by Israeli forces.

But what about the history between Iran and Israel as a whole, Baxster? Surely there is some justification there? Surely Iran is a legitimate threat?

Well, the short answer is that while their  history is tense and Iran is not known for liking Israel - though remember, nor am I - no. Iran is not a legitimate threat.

Clinton would have us all believe that Iran is led by a fundamentalist Islamic government  who want to kill all the westerners - which is not true, as their government, as far as I can see, is remarkably nonplussed for a conservative Islamic government, indeed, a theocracy which I must say I also do not agree with.

She would also have you believe that Iran possesses nuclear weapons.

They do not.

There is absolutely no evidence to suggest - and even evidence against the theory that Iran has any sort of nuclear technology other than civilian.

What evidence?

I do not know. The military don't like to give it out, and these are military analysts saying this.

Going further into it, Hillary Clinton also backs the usage of cluster bombs, chemical weapons, and nuclear weapons in war. She calls them deterrents, but these are designed as First Strike weapons - which would make them, even if used as deterrents, agents of empirical oppression.

For a people so obsessed with freedom, these Americans are awfully Imperial.

I do hope she's actually arrested as a result of this FBI investigation. Let Bernie take her place, and thrash Trump as we know he would.

~ Baxster Brand

Sunday 1 May 2016


According to John McTernan, being against the existence of the state of Israel is clearly anti-semitism.

He just said so here on Channel 4 news.

Now, regardless of what you think of either of these men, I'm afraid that this post won't be about them at all - it'll be more about just how plain fucking wrong Mr. McTernan is.

I am against the existence of the State of Israel, not because they are a predominantly Jewish country, but because they exist on land stolen from Palestine, because they exist there because for some reason, they have more of a right to live in the Holy Lands than anyone else - which is why the Crusades happened, remember? Christianity being a dick. Now it's Israel and her Zionists - and because they think it's perfectly justifiable to butcher the Palestinians they've evicted. 

The IDF are, as far as I can tell, mostly just a pack of rabid animals with military training and professional grade murder equipment. They shoot to kill at people who look suspicious. They execute people for throwing stones at armoured cars. They abduct, they imprison, they police the people and never even charge them for a crime while doing it. I don't even want to think about what's happening to the women and children they've stolen away.

On the state of Israel at large, not only does it appear to be a primarily religiously driven country - again I refer you to the concept of 'Zion' and the God-Given right to live in the 'Holy Lands' - it is also the only nuclear power in the Middle East, perhaps excepting Pakistan, but I really don't know about them.

It's also interesting that they're OURS.

Seriously. It was our states that put them all there in the first place, and we look the other way for them because they're OURS and they belong to US.

Dear fucking GOD we cannot allow this to go on any longer.

And now this fuckass right here, Mr McTernan, is saying that disagreeing with ISRAEL of ALL THE FUCKING COUNTRIES to disagree with, is anti-semitism? Shit dude, I guess I'm a fucking Nazi then.

I... I really have no words for this.

Anti-Semitism is disagreeing with the existence of the semitic peoples.

Anti-Zionism is disagreeing with the state of Israel.

I mean come on, everyone, what other religions get their own special countries? This is absolutely ridiculous, and if anyone seriously thinks that anti-zionism is anti-semitism, then who's gonna break the news to the Jewish Anti-Zionists?


Holy fuck am I angry, everyone. Anti-Zionism is anti-semitism. Therefore, the Torah itself is anti-semitic????

Let me clarify.

The Torah, the Jewish Holy Book, their Scriptures, their divine writings... 

... is anti-semitic.

Fuck off, McTernan, you uneducated twat. Fuck off back to whatever ignorant, oxygen deficient swamp you crawled out of, and stay there.

~ Baxster Brand

Thursday 28 April 2016


Look at this twat.

Matthew Hancock, my own MP, it has been revealed to me, thinks this is funny.

'quite full of queers' well shit dude, I guess that's us done, then. We're totally full of homosexuality, and this makes us completely unfit to run a government. I suppose we'd better all of us put on our pink triangles and board the last train for Toryschwitz.


What was he thinking? He can't possibly believe that, right? This must have just been poor judgement on his part, because... well... Britain just isn't that radical, right?

Only in a radical society are Doctors striking to prevent a harmful contract that would endanger the lives of all their patients from coming into force viewed as extremists. Only in a radical society is a man meant to represent the views and best interests of thousands and thousands of people allowed to get away with using 'gay' or 'queer' or 'dyke' as an insult. Now, he only used one of those - as far as I know, in public - but the effect is similar to using all of them.

It makes it more acceptable for his supporters to lash out too.

Never mind the fact that the poem was terribly written, never mind the fact that he found it on Twitter of all places, never mind the fact that he looks like a boiled egg with teeth and a crappy middle aged man's haircut.

Mind instead that he has been shown to support the views we now see as immoral, and in many ways and cases, illegal, in this country.

Mind instead that he has done this, and has experienced no disciplinary action from the higher ups in his party/

Which, honestly, makes me think they support that too. It makes me think they don't really care too much about hate crime. It makes me think they really do view themselves as national CEOs and not governors and statesmen and stateswomen.

It makes me think that none of them really care.

Not that I thought they did before.

If we need any more proof that the Tories are bigots - which we don't, but I'm interested in making this post long enough to constitute decent content - let's just remind ourselves of David Cameron, the utter fuck.

He recently claimed that Sadiq Khan is close to ISIL supporters. How did he do this? By repeatedly bringing up that Mr. Khan has, 9 times, shared a platform with a 'hate preacher'.

Who is this? Suliman Ghani.

Now, I will admit, I had recalled hearing his name in relation to hate preachers and other fuck filled asswits, but when I looked him up, I could tell instantly that this was not that man. No sir, not at all. In fact, as far as I can see, this gentleman is actually a pretty cool guy. He's been given awards for community service, he speaks out against the evils of Daesh/ISIL, not for them, you FUCKASS Cameron, and he vocally supports the Junior Doctors in their struggle against capitalists trying to nick the NHS.

Suliman Ghani is alright.

I've heard that Khan is a Blairite, and maybe I don't know enough about the situation to really make a judgement, but he also seems alright. Certainly I prefer him to Boris 'I'm an Outie' Johnson.

Fun fact about Boris 'build-a-bike' Johnson, everyone: He's the descendant of deposed Ottoman royalty. His ancestry is the same as Khan's, Suliman's, and every other non-converted muslim in London, pretty much, only instead of being part of The People, they ruled the People.

And as a guy with some Kurdish blood myself, who's done his research... yeah. They ruled with an iron fist.

Just saying, there's a whole lot of hypocrisy on the side of the Tories, as there always has been, and I'm seriously happier voting for a career politician who's on the Red team than I am voting for a viciously career politician, on the Blue team.

Thanks for having a read, please do share the post and let all your friends know that Matthew Hancock is a twatcock.

~ Baxster Brand

Friday 22 April 2016

I am Terribly Sorry

Hey, everyone. I'm sorry. I've been unable to bring myself to write anything quality about anything happening currently, because of how unbelievably stupid this all is.

I really wanted to write an article - or a rant, I suppose, but in England it's the same thing - about the blatant, obvious, criminal voter fraud committed against Bernie Sanders and his supporters in the recent New York Democratic Primary.

I mean, 3.4 Million people essentially had their voting rights revoked by the DNC, as their registration was suspiciously found to be 'independent' rather than 'democrat' on the day of the primary. There were also twitter accounts telling everyone to go and vote wearing their official Bernie supporters' regalia and buttons and stuff, which, believe it or not, is actually illegal in America. Rarely enforced, but you can bet it was on the day.

And you know what? It sucks that I failed to write about it, because it would have made for a nice, long, entertaining article, full of my swearing and anger, and those of you who are politically minded would have found it very inflaming indeed - which is the idea - and those of you who aren't would at least have found my language entertaining.

After all, who else refers to Bill Clinton as a 'petulant, immature little goosetwat' in casual conversation?

Actually, if you know anyone who does, put me in touch with them. I'd love to buy them a drink.

And you know what else I want to post about? Bill Clinton putting his foot in his mouth again, and telling millennials they're all fucking idiots - thanks, you rapist fuck faced large chinned bastard.

I also wanna post about Chelsea Clinton, their daughter - and if she hadn't literally come out of Hillary I'd ask for a DNA test to check who the mother is, knowing that fuckass Bill and his 'tendencies' - accidentally addressing Bernie Sanders as 'President Sanders' in an interview with the press!


I can't believe she let that happen. See? It's on their minds too. They know this shit is the way to go. Only greed is stopping them from throwing down their arms, surrendering their forces, and joining us in the good fight- the GREAT fight.

Oh, by the way, they tried to bully Sanders about his position on healthcare of all things.

There's that video for you.

Now that's a man I'd take up a weapon for, if it came down to it.

Fortunately, that is unlikely. I doubt I'd last long against those trigger happy Republican wankers anyway, with their absurdly large firearms.

I'm actually kind of worried that this gun was ever allowed to exist. No joke.

Uh, let's see here, what else did I wanna post about?


Trump recently - or now, not so recently - made a statement about abortion that should leave you literally throwing up your intestines, because it's just so...

So fascist.

I know we like to call him a fascist, and I know it's pretty accurate, but at this point, it should really be at it's scariest for us all.

I'll show you. Though, serious warning here, I know this is a sensitive subject, don't feel pressured to look. I honestly feel bad about putting this badly coloured in far right joke on this blog anyway.

He thinks women should be punished, but that the man responsible for the pregnancy should suffer nothing.

Which is odd, because men are generally involved in some way.

And what else did I want to post about?

Everything. Guys, I want to post about everything. It's not fair to say that this blog is 'exploding' or 'blowing up' but it is a lot more popular already than I ever thought it would be, and I don't think it's showing any reasonable signs of stopping soon, if you guys keep telling your political friends you find me funny.

So please do.

And I'm sorry about my inability to post about everything I want to. Truth is, I'm a pretty run-down guy, without nearly as much time on his hands as he'd like, and this is very much a spare time thing. I'll try to get it down, but I've also gotta say that how often I write is also pretty dependent on my ability to work myself up into a rage about it, enough to swear copiously and vow vengeance against people I don't know, understand, or really bear all that much personal ill will towards.

Except Trump.

And the Clintons - although Chelsea might not be a monster yet.


Actually no there are plenty of people I have genuine ill will against, but not like murder. More like, I hope they drop a kitchen knife on their big toe.

And this whole 'working myself up' thing is actually pretty unhealthy anyway. I need to see if I can do this without anger.

Thank you, though. Please, please tell your friends. It lights up my day to know people read the shit I write.

Thank you, so very much.

~ Baxster Brand

Sunday 17 April 2016

The BBC and their great failure

"You have failed to report - again - on the 150,000 people marching in London against Austerity policies, and the incredible damage they do to the unfortunate, and those in need. You are not a private corporation, and you are not unaccountable for your actions. Your purpose is not to serve those in the government, nor is it to serve those in the money, your purpose is to serve the People of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and you are failing. We are, after all, the ones who fund you.

I and many others consider this to be a terrible injustice, that our great BBC should have fallen so low as to not cover something so big, purely for its political context. I should not need to say that we are all disappointed. We were once so proud of you, and now we hang our heads in shame for it.

But it's not too late. You can still cover it. I implore you, friends, to think of your people, and not of those who would and are doing them harm. Speak out for us, lest there be nobody left to speak out for you when it's your turn."

- Baxster Brand, 17th April 2016.

This is the text content of a complaint I have recently filed to the BBC, regarding their failure to cover news regarding a protest currently ongoing in London, with more than 150K people to the crowd, against the policies of austerity instituted by the Government. I would urge all of you to do the same.

The BBC is a company formed under the Royal Charter, which was the original method for company registration, and as such is technically independent of the state. It is also not funded privately, no matter how much of their work is now outsourced.

If you own a TV, or a computer, or any fixture or device in your home capable of receiving a television signal, then regardless of whether you use it or not, you will be compulsorily charged either £49 a year, for a black and white television - which nobody really uses any more, so this is more of a redundant part of the contract  - or £145 a year, for your colour television.

This is not bad.  This is the BBC Licence fee, and it is how we fund public services, as this effectively amounts to a Public Information Tax.

Honestly? I think the prices are quite reasonable. The BBC is not an inexpensive beast, and it provides us with a great deal of entertainment, and information. It is also true that pretty much all of the 1156 TV transmitters located in the UK - of which there are varying types and heights - will be used by most, if not all, TV services, from Sky to BBC to Virgin to whatever. I don't know what channels exactly there are, I don't watch much TV.

And this licence fee pays for their upkeep, and the British government presumably taxes corporations for their use.

When they aren't letting the corporations avoid tax, that is.


The BBC Licence Fee is reasonable, and I willingly accept it, even though I don't really watch too much TV.

But this makes the BBC a public service. And public services have an obligation to... well, serve the public.

For the BBC to fail so terribly to cover such a large protest against the Austerity Policies of HM Government, and the party in power - the Conservatives, if you've been living under a rock - is an absolute travesty. This is your money being used against you. Not just taken, but actively used against you.

It is unjustifiable.

So I urge all of you to follow the link I shall now paste below, and flood the BBC with complaints, until there's nothing left for them to do but give in. Remind them that they serve the Public, at the discretion of the Public, on the funding of the Public - and that we are the Public.

Complain here, and complain loudly.

Thanks for reading, please do show this to your friends, and have a lovely day.

~ Baxster Brand

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Bernie Sanders just did something amazing

He's proposed that the American Constitution be amended.

Which is a big thing to say. Seriously. A massive, massive things, and of course he's doing it for the right reasons as always, but wow.

I'm surprised.

For anyone here not familiar with how serious the Americans tend to take their constitution, just imagine the reactions you get every time you suggest, even politely - which I'll admit I sometimes have trouble doing - that the Queen might be a poor expenditure of valuable resources.

Or, you know, that she's more of a scrounger that the rest of us combined.

Or actually, just imagine the row you'd get from publicly screaming at the Queen. Suggesting that she's an idiot. Suggesting that she needs to not be phased out as a British Republican would advise, but... just changed.

Actually that might have been a bad example.

Imagine instead the feeling you get when somebody suggests that the core tenets of your personal political beliefs are utter bullshite.

This is how some people will feel. Inevitably. Because to them, the American Constitution are that which their country was built on, and shall survive on - and they're largely not wrong, I must say. But Mr. Sanders does raise a good point when he informs us that...

"... Amazingly enough we do not have in our constitution the right to vote as a constitutional right, we leave it up to the states. That's where I get passionately upset."

And rightly so.

What does he propose?

A constitutional amendment rendering all those above the age of 18 eligible to vote, I quote "... end of discussion..."

I fucking love this guy.

He goes on to say that what the Republicans are doing in trying to make it harder for people to vote is, get this, not criminal, not simply a dick move, but UnAmerican.

And I agree.

For all the past spite and anger between our two nations of people, we have one thing in common and that is the mutual desire for freedom. Freedom from oppression, from pain, from poverty. And actually, I must say that this is not simply a common ground between America and the UK, it is a common ground with the entirety of our race.

You and me, and all of them.

We want to be free.

To be free, we must be free first to influence the world around us, and Bernie Sanders would give everyone  that right.

I can only say, as I have said before, and will forever repeat, that I put my faith in Bernie Sanders just as much as I do in Jeremy Corbyn, just as much as I do in the new Canadian Government, just as much as I do in you.

Yeah. You.

Because I've already said it, but you and I are the same.

We both just wanna be free. There's nothing wrong with that. It's natural, and good.

And I reckon, whoever you vote for, you'll end up contributing to the advancement of the human race, one way or another. Just like me, I hope.

Man, these always end up being more emotional than I intend.

Have a lovely evening, and be safe.

~ Baxster Brand