Saturday 23 July 2016

A Brief Note on Hillary Clinton

As a proud - though recently, less proud - British gentleman, I find it my duty to make myself as aware as I can be of the world around me. This being said, I don't always have time for America. My reasons should be fairly obvious; I just don't like being depressed, and American news is always depressing.

For example, the Republican nominee for Presidency is Donald J. Trump.

He is one of two men I could comfortably murder right now. The other is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, for his fascist stance regarding liberty for the Turkish and Kurdish people he claims to have the support of.

He is a story for another time, if I can ever stomach it.

Regarding Donald Trump, I have only this to say; fuck off, you disgusting orange faced liar.

You too are a fascist worse than even Putin, who seeks nothing but power and control of the people and their funds. I have no doubt that under you the US Government would see - and conveniently ignore - not only the embezzlement and theft of billions of tax dollars, but the rise of the far right, and the silencing of any and all opposition on such an extreme level that in the future, historians would liken it to Adolf Hitler's 'night of the long knives' in which he outright murdered all of the left wing elements of his party.

Do I think Trump would resort to murder? Yes. If he had to. I think he would rather not, on account of it being a far more complex solution than is desirable in the political field, but I do think he would.

And beyond the pile of fake-tanned filth himself, there are his supporters. They are the misguided and mistaken, whose educations have failed them, and whose anger has been used as a poisoned weapon by the brutes of the establishment. Under very slightly different circumstances I had little doubt that I would now be calling them brothers and sisters - after all, the solutions they seek are with Bernie Sanders, they're just being lied to.

But these lies make them dangerous. Their passion, fervour, anger, and pain make them more than prone to extremism, and their extremism can make them violent beyond belief. I have heard stories from neutral or leftist observers and protesters at Trump rallies that his supporter chant and scream 'kill 'em all' whenever Trump says something.

They're so hateful it breaks my heart.

We claim to be nothing like them, but as I said, this is just the effect of a decent campaign of mistruths. They're just like us, and they want the same thing we do; security, safety, protection of the terrors of the world.

And isn't the world terrible?

People are being killed left and right, it seems. Hundreds are dying in what almost seems like regular terrorist attacks in France - because the attackers know that the French will react just how they want them to - and even more are being massacred in the Middle East, either by ISIS themselves, or our own high yield explosives and plausibly deniable chemical weapons.

So yes, Trump scares and disgusts me. He is the news I find scary, and disgusting.

The American news I find depressing is that our brother and comrade, Bernie Sanders, may well be defeated. Hillary Clinton is the most likely Democratic Nominee for Presidency of the United States of America, and I am devastated by this.


I still think that, in a way, we won.

Before you close the tab and forget about me, let me explain why I think that the Left has scored a fantastic victory, even with our defeat.

Just for starters, Clinton is going to have to listen to us. Yes. I hate her. I despise the capitalist monster of the upper class she is, and I despise all she has thus far represented, but she now knows that to have even a remote chance of victory over the combover monster, she's going to have to shed some of that, and start representing us too. This is a truth, my friends. None of us can deny it, and she does not plan to.

Say what you like about Clinton - and I mean that, leave your most creative insults in the comments by all means - she is a shrewd, if corrupt, politician, and she understands perhaps even better than us the incredible benefit she could now receive from shifted even only slightly to the left.

Just take a look at this article from the International Business Times.

I prefer Sanders. I love Sanders. If the situation called for it, I would risk and give life and limb for Sanders and our brother and sister revolutionaries - though I know he would never ask it of us himself.

And he's forced Clinton to start loving us back. He accounts for so much of the Democratic party - and indeed, the American electorate - that she simply cannot afford to turn her back on him now.

So yes, that's a victory for us. We have forged ourselves such a foothold in American politics that we've even managed to coerce Hillary Clinton into respecting us, even if only slightly.

And beyond this foothold, Bernie Sanders is no longer just a man, he is the face of a movement - and this is not a movement that will die any time soon. Let them do what they can, let them say what they will, we can no longer die. You and I and Bernie Sanders are not immortal. We will die, and rot, and almost certainly be forgotten some day, but this movement will last far longer than any of us.

Which is where we won.

Because Bernie Sanders is a hero for awakening the burning hearts of the American Left, and lighting a fire that will not be extinguished easily.

Even if Hillary Clinton wins this round, the war is - the war has always been - ours. Things fluctuate in the field of politics, but the world has been getting progressively fairer in the grand scheme of things. Not recently, but in the bigger picture, which is what matters more than anything.

So yes. If it comes to it, I will endorse and support Hillary Clinton with all the passion in my heart, because Bernie's left his mark on her, and because even if he hadn't she'd be better than Trump.

Because I am a socialist, and I do what is right as often as my heart lets me.

If it comes to it, I will campaign as fiercely for Clinton as I would have for Bernie - because I will be doing it in Bernie's name, and in the name of the Left we have grown to love, and love to grow. If she wins, we cannot allow ourselves to badmouth her any more - that will only serve Trump, and we will never serve Trump. I would sooner kill myself.

And besides.

She can still get disqualified.

Gotta love wikileaks, right?

~ Baxster Brand

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