Friday 29 January 2016

Our Jeremy

Isn't he just the best? Lowest expenses claimer in the country, out of all the MPs in Parliament.

See, this is what the government should be made of. People who do their damned jobs and get on with it. I don't know if the Right Honourable Mr. Corbyn MP thoroughly enjoys his job - and I don't know if he would enjoy being Prime Minister, either - but I do know he's the sort of gent who will do it no matter what, because the people matter to him.

Yes. He's an idealist - but we've been over this. 

Idealism is good.

Humanity is built on idealism. If it were not for our ability to dream, our relentless and nigh unrealistic ideals, and all the blood we were willing to pour out of our own veins to achieve these things, we would not be planning trips to Mars, we would never have gotten to the moon, we would never have gotten out of that recession, we would never have recovered from either of the World Wars, we would never have come out of the dark ages, we would never have gotten far enough to get into them in the first place, we would never have made fire.

Imagine the look on that person's face when they made fire for the first time.

Imagine the smile they must've had when they realised they could cook with it, and stay warm with it.

Imagine the hope and wonder they must've felt when they realised how much there must be that they didn't know - imagine the joy of having so much to know!

Can you not understand that it was dreaming than enabled all of this?

Dreaming, idealism, and hope.

And a couple of really, really good people to bring it all together.

I firmly believe that Mr. Corbyn, our idealist, our party leader, our best guy, is one of those people. I believe that it won't necessarily be a straight journey to wherever we're going, too, but I believe he can help us get there safer.

Because he brings out the best in people!

You know who else does, or did the exact same thing? 

Bernie Sanders.

José Mujica.

Albert Einstein.

Patrick Stewart.

All these great people and more!

Ladies and gentlemen, socialists us all...

I think we might finally be on the winning side.

And it's all because of idealism.

~ Baxster Brand

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