Sunday 17 January 2016

Those three girls

I made a post regarding three very passionate young women who made a speech in the style of poetry on national television, in America, last night. Or very early this morning. It depends on your timezone.

But I noticed that people had been commenting on the Facebook page that had initially put that video up, just now, and apparently those three same girls are...

" three brave girls?? Try "three brainwashed PC automatons" "

- Doug Hammond Daisy House, January 13th 2016

Now normally I wouldn't put the name of who said that up, but he did say that on Facebook of all places, so I can't imagine he's all too picky about who sees it.

But in all seriousness, the very next question I asked myself was "How the hell are these fantastic people at all brainwashed? They're not even that PC. They're just feminist."

Well, a comment that replied to the above quote explained it for us foolish liberals and damned socialists.

"Well they basically said they are anti-gun... which is brain washed yes"

- Jer WasHere, January 13th 2016

I've got to say, I'm actually not sure whose side this person is on. They might be being sarcastic or they might be being serious. A quick trawl through their (open and free to view) facebook feed, however, reveals that they appear to support Sen. Bernie Sanders in his bid for Presidency, which is rather admirable and makes me entirely more optimistic about their intentions with this comment.

But still.

They're brainwashed and too politically correct... because they're anti gun.

Well damn. I suppose I'm going to need a complete sodding brain transplant to get all that nasty liberal brainwashing out of my unfortunate cranium, won't I? After all, I'm anti-gun, anti-nuke, and thoroughly anti-capitalist. Gosh. Who knew that these things that are proven to kill things even by accident, and/or otherwise be absolutely evil at the very core of their concept (Capitalism, I'm talking about here) were not really bad, and it was just those damn commies making us think so? Gosh! I have to start campaigning for the Second Amendment in Britain, right away!

I actually feel kind of sick.

These women stand up and shout, and fight, and make themselves heard over the clamour of your oppressive - and it is oppressive - regime of chauvinistic moneymaking, and you have the audacity to call them brainwashed? Personally, I'd like to see anyone who isn't a millionaire vote for a capitalist and claim they're not brainwashed. Not because I have a hope of convincing them they are, but because it's darkly amusing to watch them flounder for an excuse, or desperately search for something their chosen candidate will actually do for the people, when I accuse them.

This being said, occasionally you do find a conservative who really means well. So I suppose I can't thoroughly damn them.

But I think they'd be far better off as Socialists - and, using these three fine women of the world as examples, as Feminists too.

Good day to you, friends.

~ Baxster Brand

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