Wednesday 13 January 2016

On Boris Johnson

On Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson recently had something to say about the Junior Doctors' strikes against the institution of their new contracts and pay conditions.

This is what I had to say back.

Well, would you look at this FINE GENTLEMAN who seems to think that Junior Doctors don't deserve to be paid decently for 7+ years of study, and dedication to the nation.

Look, I'm no doctor, and there's a chance I never will be, but as a human being I cannot imagine the amount of stress and pain that goes into a job at a place where people young and old go because they are sick, hurt, and/or dying. I cannot imagine the sacrifice they're making in terms of their own emotional stability to bring care to these people, and unless you are a Doctor yourself, or a very close friend/relative of one, nor can you.

And the average junior doctor salary is set to go down, effectively. Not that it was actually all that much for anyone who wants to start a family anyway, right? Oh, and their hours are going up, so seeing their children would be a problem too, naturally.

I have no problem with conservatives. I really don't, actually. They represent a viewpoint other than my own, and I appreciate that although I can be somewhat jacobin in my presentation of my points at times, I have started to generally recognise that they are not, as a whole, a bad sort of people.

But the Tory party are not conservatives, then.

Nobody who wants to take the NHS and privatise it, or harm the junior doctors' prospects and wages for a job that they themselves would DIE long before doing - if they were ever capable of doing it - is a conservatives, because they do not represent traditional values as a conservative is meant to, they do not represent the propagation and conservation of British values, they represent greed and stagnation and they poison our politics. They do not mean well for anything but their own pockets, and I find it thoroughly repugnant. In fact, I'm sure most healthcare personnel do.

But you know what I can guarantee you ALL healthcare workers would do, regardless of their views?

They'd still heal a Tory if they were sick.

Because that's part of the job.

It's not fair on them, is it?

Oh, no, I know life itself is, as it's very core, unfair, but why should we stand for something that is wrong and unfair when we can change it? Why should it be morally acceptable to allow injustice and evil to exist when it is entirely possible to STOP it from existing at all?

Call me an idealist. Call me a dreamer. Call me unrealistic. But the only reason the reality I want is unrealistic is because of people who think it is. If you just believed that it'd work, then the biggest reason why it wouldn't work would be gone- and then it would work.

James wanted a political post. There you go mate. I know you're no Corbynite, but can you really disagree with me?

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