Wednesday 27 January 2016

That bastard!

He is a monster! He is a betrayer of the humanity in all of us! She has been raped, beaten, and abused for only God knows how long by the stalker she is faced with. The police service themselves, the heroic thin blue line, who have faced so many cuts they might as well be in a slasher movie, saw fit to install a panic room in her home. She is scared!

And the DWP want her to pay bedroom tax for her PANIC ROOM?

No! No, this is unacceptable! To hell with the government, to hell with the DWP, to hell with the false laws they've written in to make themselves richer, to hell with all these pigs! To hell and further with them!

This is wrong!

And these same laws are going to see hundreds - thousands, even - more abused women, more victims of that most heinous crime, the only thing I believe should forfeit the offender their human rights, rape, more of those people we should be helping, thrown out of their Support Centers!

Rape Crisis Centers are a form of supported housing, and the cuts that our wonderful parliament are attempting to levy on them will see that they can no longer perform their functions adequately.

This is it, boys and girls! This is the true face of Capitalism! It is evil beyond imagining, focusing solely on the hoarding and gaining of material wealth, even to the expense of our humanity! It is literally a system in which it is impossible to make a gain without causing somebody else a loss, and this is the most terrible example of the Government doing exactly that!

And what of us? Though even I find it incredible, terrifying, and upsetting that anyone could bring themselves to this, what of us?

We, the people, have the power to stop this. They serve at our pleasure, and nobody else's. That, or they are not MPs, and we do not live in a democracy. If we are unsatisfied with the leadership of our country, we, the people have the right to change it. That is democracy! That is how the world should be!

And so I say, my dear friends on both the left and the right wing, abandon these monsters, these unnatural men and women with their machine hearts and brutal minds! I do not care whether you be a Conservative or a Corbynite, I do not care whether you are Socialist, Communist, or even some of the lighter shades of Capitalism - and if you're an anarchist you're probably already on our side with this.

 I care that you are at least a halfway decent human being!

I care that you still have and feel the love of humanity! There will come a day when we are no more, and I beg of you, do not allow our Legacy to be of hatred and pain! Do not make our children remember us like this!

 They deserve better!

We deserve better!

The WORLD deserves better!

I say, my dear friends, that we abandon these monsters, that we abandon the corrupt and rotten political platform they have risen to power from, and that we give the Red Roses a chance again!

New Labour is dying. This is our time to make things better again! Jeremy Corbyn may not be perfect - nobody is, and it is beyond a fallacy to claim differently - but Jeremy Corbyn is still the best man left in politics!

Where is your idealism? Have you forgotten how to dream? When the human race wants something done, it bloody well gets it done! They make it work - they can make anything work, if they just stand together!

We can make this work!

Can you imagine how much better the world would be if we made it work?

Wouldn't that be a nice place to leave for your children?

I say that your children deserve it.

I know you'd say the same.

I just need you to stand with us. Please.

I promise you we can make this work - so that this kind of thing never happens again.

Wouldn't it be lovely to be good people again?

~ Baxster Brand

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