Friday 11 March 2016

The Right Honourable Assholes

Ok. First things first, I must apologise profusely for my absence. I have no decent explanation for it, and I've genuinely missed a lot in terms of politics - for example, Super Tuesday, in America, and other such things. Don't worry though, I'll be making another post about that later tonight, if I don't pass out from exhaustion first.

Now, onto business.

Fuck the Tories.

I see this kind of thing on my facebook feed far too often. Tories, fiddling with their campaign expenses. It's no big secret that the money you spend does have an impact on how many people you can reach, and how convincingly you can reach them - it is, after all, why we have limits on electoral spending in the first place - and yet here we have the outstanding Tory party, fiddling their expenses to make it look like their electoral campaigns are within the law.

I've also seen this proposal, right?

It's a proposal to cut down the number of constituencies in the UK. This means less MPs. It's essentially a cut from 350 to 300, and you can bet - you can fucking bet that it's mostly labour constituencies being cut down.

God damn.

Oh, how I hate the Tories.

They know they won't win another General Election fairly, so they're trying to play it as unfairly as they possibly could, so they might get another five years after these to scrap the country for the benefit of their own wallets.

And did I mention that they don't even extend protection to family any more? David Cameron's own mother has been axed, because they've just cut the Children's Centre she works in.

Oh man, fuck these guys.

~ Baxster Brand

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