Sunday 13 March 2016

Another Division

Now, to be totally fair, what he actually said was that they should be able to seek work for less than the minimum wage, so they can remain competitive in the jobs market.

But of course, that would mean that they would all inevitably end up with less than the minimum wage, because it is only rarely that employers pay more than they have to out of the kindness of their hearts - this is a capitalist society, after all. Who cares about other people?

I mean, this is ignoring the fact that the minimum wage is not nearly enough to have a family with anyway. This is ignoring the fact that the minimum wage is not survivable on for homeowners with a mortgage. This is ignoring the fact that only a single, childless person who rents a small flat, has few aspirations and no notable hobbies, and who puts in at least 40 hours a week, would be able to live with even a modicum of comfort on our current living wage.

This is ignoring that this man wants to make some of our more vulnerable brothers and sisters, who deserve no more pain than they almost inevitably go through, given how judgemental and asshole-ish our society tends to be.

I should also make it clear that at no point did this bastard Phillip Davies MP clarify whether he meant those with learning difficulties, or people with mental health problems generally. Mental health disability could be taken to mean a variety of things - I certainly know that I initially took it, if incorrectly, to mean anyone with any mental health issue, such as depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, or any of this.

Which, by the way, costs money too. 

You'll get some help from the NHS, yes, but they're stretched thin against the fat belly of the Tory Party's greed as it is, and so anything else you're going to need will cost extra, from private therapists and private psychiatrists.

So actually, even the regular minimum wage isn't sufficient enough for these unfortunate individuals either, let alone a reduced one.

God damn these monstrous Tories.

~ Baxster Brand

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