Monday 22 February 2016

Radio 1, and the Gregathlon

Radio 1's Greg James recently undertook a frightening amount of physical exercise - 5 Triathlons in 5 days, without interruption - in order to raise money for Sport Relief, who will be using it both to help the homeless in the UK, and to lend aid to the refugees in Calais, and those still made victim by war in Syria.

This man... has really, really impressed me.

They said they'd have been happy with £50,000, that that would have made them content that they had done their part for the world this year, and that there would be no guilt on their parts after that.

They were estimated to get only slightly more.

They have since raised over £900,000.

I... I just... wow. No, really. I'm not joking around here. I didn't think that any part of the BBC still had this level of good left in them, and as I listened to him on the way home just now, he was frantically urging the good people of Britain to help him - to help Sport Relief - reach £100,000,000.

He said that he was the only person at the studio who thought it was possible, and that everyone else had always doubted him, but by God there was passion in his voice, and there is determination in the People, and I am so fucking proud of us.

See, this is proof, isn't it? The People of Britain are not bastards. We do care about people other than us, and we do put our backs into it when the time comes to do something. Our government might be comprised of shitheads, and our 1% might be less active than any chemical process at 0 degrees Kelvin (which is to say, literally not at all, as there is no particle movement at 0 Kelvin) but the People are the Power, and the Power is still strong.

I'm so happy.

This is my evidence, my friends, that we do not have to be bad people, and that the world does not have to be cruel. This is my evidence that the whole world, and its apparent nature, is entirely up to us. Yes, there will be tragedy, because we don't know how to stop Earthquakes, and we don't know how to hold back the winds of a Hurricane, but this is my evidence that even in the face of what must seem like all the hatred of an angry, angry God, Humanity can stand together. Humanity can help the fallen to regain their feet. Humanity can take everyone aboard, and carry them forwards, unto progress, unto the light, unto the future.

This is my evidence that hope is not lost.

This is my evidence, my reason, for being even slightly optimistic about the future of the Human Race.

Because we can still love unconditionally.

And yeah. I donated too. I could only afford to do so once, but I can still say that no matter how small a part I played, I still played a part in helping people. What kind of Socialist would I be if I could, and didn't?

I do hope dearly that you do the same, because it might sound a little mad of Greg to think we can get to £1M by 7 O'Clock this evening - which is when they're calling it all in - but you know what? I think so too.

If you can - and only if you can, I understand if you can't - please, please text GREG to 70703. It'll cost 3£, plus your standard network charge for a text. You need to be 16+ unfortunately, and you're gonna need the billpayer's permission, but we can do something good here, guys.

For once, we can actually do something good.

Come on.

Let's do it, shall we?

~ Baxster Brand

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