Saturday 7 May 2016


Ok, so check link and just... just be wowed by how terrifically incompetent - no, not just incompentent - but actively malicious Hillary Clinton would be, as President of the United States of America.

"... we would we able to totally obliterate them."

Her reasoning is that Israel faces serious and aggressive threats from organisations such as the 'Iranian Revolutionary Guard' whom I have actually personally never heard of. Seriously, I had to google them as I wrote this.

And when I googled them, I'll admit they definitely seemed like a bit of a fundamentalist group.

But, and I will admit I was almost surprised to hear this, they're actually not terrorists at all.

There was, I think, one report of a couple of Revolutionary Guards operating in... Iraq, I think? During another, larger conflict there. Which is, I will admit, is pretty questionable again - as is their vow to combat not only threats to their state, but any 'Deviant Movements' which could definitely be applied to political threats in their own borders if they really wanted it to be...

But they're not terrorists.

And also, as a group of their own, they have had no more than two altercations with any sort of Israeli force, and one was just a drone that was, apparently, headed towards a civilian nuclear site within Iran's borders. They shot it down - as they were pretty justified in doing, no matter the origin of the drone - and Israel didn't even comment.

The other was when a few of their number were killed training fighters in Lebanon, by Israeli forces.

But what about the history between Iran and Israel as a whole, Baxster? Surely there is some justification there? Surely Iran is a legitimate threat?

Well, the short answer is that while their  history is tense and Iran is not known for liking Israel - though remember, nor am I - no. Iran is not a legitimate threat.

Clinton would have us all believe that Iran is led by a fundamentalist Islamic government  who want to kill all the westerners - which is not true, as their government, as far as I can see, is remarkably nonplussed for a conservative Islamic government, indeed, a theocracy which I must say I also do not agree with.

She would also have you believe that Iran possesses nuclear weapons.

They do not.

There is absolutely no evidence to suggest - and even evidence against the theory that Iran has any sort of nuclear technology other than civilian.

What evidence?

I do not know. The military don't like to give it out, and these are military analysts saying this.

Going further into it, Hillary Clinton also backs the usage of cluster bombs, chemical weapons, and nuclear weapons in war. She calls them deterrents, but these are designed as First Strike weapons - which would make them, even if used as deterrents, agents of empirical oppression.

For a people so obsessed with freedom, these Americans are awfully Imperial.

I do hope she's actually arrested as a result of this FBI investigation. Let Bernie take her place, and thrash Trump as we know he would.

~ Baxster Brand

Sunday 1 May 2016


According to John McTernan, being against the existence of the state of Israel is clearly anti-semitism.

He just said so here on Channel 4 news.

Now, regardless of what you think of either of these men, I'm afraid that this post won't be about them at all - it'll be more about just how plain fucking wrong Mr. McTernan is.

I am against the existence of the State of Israel, not because they are a predominantly Jewish country, but because they exist on land stolen from Palestine, because they exist there because for some reason, they have more of a right to live in the Holy Lands than anyone else - which is why the Crusades happened, remember? Christianity being a dick. Now it's Israel and her Zionists - and because they think it's perfectly justifiable to butcher the Palestinians they've evicted. 

The IDF are, as far as I can tell, mostly just a pack of rabid animals with military training and professional grade murder equipment. They shoot to kill at people who look suspicious. They execute people for throwing stones at armoured cars. They abduct, they imprison, they police the people and never even charge them for a crime while doing it. I don't even want to think about what's happening to the women and children they've stolen away.

On the state of Israel at large, not only does it appear to be a primarily religiously driven country - again I refer you to the concept of 'Zion' and the God-Given right to live in the 'Holy Lands' - it is also the only nuclear power in the Middle East, perhaps excepting Pakistan, but I really don't know about them.

It's also interesting that they're OURS.

Seriously. It was our states that put them all there in the first place, and we look the other way for them because they're OURS and they belong to US.

Dear fucking GOD we cannot allow this to go on any longer.

And now this fuckass right here, Mr McTernan, is saying that disagreeing with ISRAEL of ALL THE FUCKING COUNTRIES to disagree with, is anti-semitism? Shit dude, I guess I'm a fucking Nazi then.

I... I really have no words for this.

Anti-Semitism is disagreeing with the existence of the semitic peoples.

Anti-Zionism is disagreeing with the state of Israel.

I mean come on, everyone, what other religions get their own special countries? This is absolutely ridiculous, and if anyone seriously thinks that anti-zionism is anti-semitism, then who's gonna break the news to the Jewish Anti-Zionists?


Holy fuck am I angry, everyone. Anti-Zionism is anti-semitism. Therefore, the Torah itself is anti-semitic????

Let me clarify.

The Torah, the Jewish Holy Book, their Scriptures, their divine writings... 

... is anti-semitic.

Fuck off, McTernan, you uneducated twat. Fuck off back to whatever ignorant, oxygen deficient swamp you crawled out of, and stay there.

~ Baxster Brand